Saturday, October 5, 2013

1.2 This Person Has Said to Me by Anna Rae

I decided to share a list of things people say to me and what I want to say, but can't really say out-loud without sounding like a bitch or coincided:

-"You look tired."
I am...thanks for pointing it out.

-"You look like crap!"
Errrr thanks? I love it when you say that.

-"You're not fat, shut up!"
Fuck you, don't you lie to me. I've accepted my fatness, so shut up.

-"Why are you in such a good mood this early?"
Because if I'm not, I'd get fired.

-"Drive careful."
NO! I'm going to speed and eat and text and not use my blinker!

-"Geez, you're such a sweetie."
I suppose....

-"You look like you've lost weight."
I probably didn't and stop sucking up to me.
Awwwwwe, I'm glad someone noticed.

-"Try to be a little more professional."
FUCK YOU! I'm more professional then you ever will be. I'm probably the most professional person here.

-"Can I have your number?"