Thursday, October 10, 2013

1.1.3 This Person Has Said to Me R.D.

  • "You're a pretty tough girl."
  • "Of course I'll wait for you."
  • "I like when you call me 'Mister'."
  • "I'm thinking about you, of course."
  • "Is it time for your carriage to turn into a pumpkin?"
  • "Who are you saying am I tonight?"
  • "Take care."
  • "We should meet for coffee."
  • "You should come over."
  • "We'll see how it goes."
  • "I could be in a serious relationship with you."
  • "I want to feel you."
  • "I want you to grab onto me because you're scared, but you know I'll protect you."
  • "I'll try to come see you."
  • "I've been busy."
But, really, it was the things he didn't say.


  1. I really like "who are you saying I am tonight?" It's thought provoking

  2. MHMMmmmmm I wonder who has said these things to you.

  3. Yeah, because back in the beginning I couldn't tell my mom who it was so I'd tell her I was talking to Autumn, Matt, Amandalyn, you, etc.

    And it was "Max" of course ;)
