Wednesday, October 16, 2013

1.2.9 Taking Apart Your List R.D.

Instructions:  Pick a word from one of your lists and write a paragraph about it.  Write a line for every other item on the list.

From:  What Is Inside My Body

Amnesty:  I chose to include amnesty in my list because I feel a lot of people give me pardon.  My mom gives me pardon because my dad died.  My boss gives me pardon because of how hardworking I am.  My friends give me pardon because I just got out of a bad three-year relationship.  While I may not feel such pardons are necessary, I can't deny how much I appreciate the, so I had to give them mention.

I carry many secrets inside of me because some people can't know, or can't handle, the truth.

I feel I often exude madness and no one has yet to tell me otherwise.

I suffer from many forms of anxiety.

I often experience nausea in the morning.

I have many theories on how to change and/or make the world a better place.

I hold onto hope that people are inherently good and things will get better.

While buried, I do hold hold ambition inside of me.

I carry the idea of death with me because I deal with the pain of having lost daily.

I have some abandonment issues.

I aim to break out of my shell and act recklessly sometimes.

I am ultimately a lazy person.

I hope the thing my friends love about me is my eccentricity.

Despite my maturity I know I am still pretty naive.

I value the importance of education.

I feel I have high levels of perception and am a good judge of character.

I am female, therefore I have embryos.

I do have a short temper sometimes.

I have endurance enough to power through when I need to.

I spend many hours in reverie.

I always carry a song in my mind, in my heart, and in my soul.

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