Friday, October 25, 2013

1.3 Inspiration from Public Places R.D.

Charter Oaks
When I see the word Charter, I think of Charter Buses, the nice buses we used to take on long trips in school.  So Charter Oaks always makes me think of really nice and important trees.  Which I guess makes my apartment complex a nice place to live.
Lippincott always makes me think of my grandma, because there is a Lippincott Road near her house, and it is the most creatively named road on the way there.
Irish Road
I always wonder how many Irish people used to live on this road at one point for it to be named this.
Interstate 69
I always think something dirty.  I blame high school.
Saginaw Street
I always remember when my mom told me that roads that are named after cities are named that because if you follow it long enough it will take you to that city.  I have since learned this is not always true – so I always feel very untrusting of this road.
Church Street
I always think of the church I pass while on this road and it’s very strange crosses that – if you didn’t know it was a church – you wouldn’t realize these were crosses at all.
3rd Street
Third street feels like my second home because I spend so much time here.  I feel it should be called 1st street just for me!
Grand Traverse Ave

To Traverse is to travel.  So I always think of a Grand Travel when I think of this road.  Even though I know this road can take you to some sketchy parts of town, so it is not a travel I ever intend on taking.

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