Monday, September 23, 2013

1.1 Dream by Anna Rae

I dream of happiness.
I dream of joy departed.
I dream of sadness.
I dream of rain.
I dream of sunshine.
I dream of those I hate.
I dream of those I love.
I dream of those who love me.
I dream of lost loved ones.
I dream of the hospital.
I dream of the pain.
I dream of the hurt.
I dream of the meanness.
I dream of hope.
I dream of the future.
I dream of the past.
I dreams of my present.
I dream many dreams departed.
I dream in color.
I dream of despair.
I dream of birth.
I dream of crowns.
I dream of blood.
I dream
I dream
What good is a dream?
What do they accomplish?
They are wicked -
A dream can good
Or so they say -
Driving force
For which side you choose
Always dream.
For to dream is a gift.
To dream makes on worthy
of being called a dreamer
To dream
To dream
To dream
To dream

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