Monday, March 3, 2014

1.1.2 Overheard Concersation

Overheard Conversation

“That’s why I prefer to hire younger sitters.” “I agree! They actually play with the kids instead of setting them in front of the TV and play with their phones.” “Yeah, it’s a shame.”

This conversation took place while I was at one of Anna’s field hockey practices between two of the moms who thought that I couldn’t hear them. Yes, they were talking about me. And although I made no outward sign, I was fuming. One of them had just gotten there, 40 minutes into practice, and I had just given Tommy  my phone to play puzzle games on. In the previous 40 minutes, we read a book, practiced math, played soccer, and colored, thank you very much. And it was really the cherry on the cake when this same mom turned around and told an entire team of nine year old girls that winning was the only thing that mattered. The other mom had another child there, playing with her phone too. For the entire hour and a half practice.

And people wonder what’s wrong with kids these days. Clue: It’s the parents.


  1. I think it just depends on the person. Most young people are going to be attached to their cell phones (if they have one), and let's face it, most kids these days have phones. And, as much as I love to give advice, it is usually better to keep parenting opinions to yourself unless it's asked for it. So it's pretty asinine that they even felt they had to talk about you. As far as the winning, it shouldn't be the most important thing, but I do agree that having winners and losers is better than just playing for participation points.

  2. It wasn't just that she was passing winning as the only option. She was talking to those girls like they would be worthless if they weren't winners, and that is not Ok. I had a talk with Anna after that practice to try to undo the damage. She was really upset by it.
