Monday, March 3, 2014

1.1.1 Observation


“Jeshica cahn oo come stahr da compooter fo me?” Tommy asked.

I sighed loudly. Without even looking I know he’s put something in his mouth. Again. I wonder what it is this time. So far this week I’ve made him spit out contraband candy, a rubber wristband, a marble, and Angry Birds toy, and a hanger. Yes, a clothes hanger, the cheap metal bent into almost unrecognizable contortions, his mouth. WHY??? Why would a six year old boy who’s never had any oral fixation suddenly start putting random nonfood items in his mouth? Is it a cry for attention, like his sister’s static cling habt? How can I get him to stop without criminalizing the action and therefore making it a more desirable pastime for a young boy? Help!

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