Monday, November 11, 2013

1.2 Taking Apart Your List by Anna Rae

From "What's Inside My Body":

  • Cautiousness
  • Anger
  • Regret
  • Ovaries
  • Love
  • Eagerness
  • Resentment
  • Ambition
  • Excitement
  • Self-hatred
  • Zeal for bettering myself
  • Yesterdays pains
  • Memories
  • A rational mind
  • Negativity
  • Self-control
  • Kindness
  • Imagination

Yesterday's pain is in my body. I had a really tough childhood and I carry the scars from those pains. I was abandoned by my  biological father, who was suppose to love me forever. I grew up a couple steps above poverty, thanks to my Grandpa for taking us in. When I was in 5th grade, I was in the hospital for nearly 2 months and due to that battle, I gained ten scars, which would cause others to label me as a "freak". I soon became a nobody and I turned to food for comfort. Due to this, I gained weight and the bullying was worse. Things did get better by Freshmen year of High School. However, I still bare the scars of yesterday's pains. 

-I'm very cautious about everything in life; I will rarely take a risk.
-I may seem bubbly and happy, but I have an angry side of me. 
-Regrets are always on my mid; I wish the time machine existed. 
-I have ovaries, which I wish I can use one day.
-Though I'm angry, I have a deep rooted love for those that deserve it.
-I have an eagerness to learn and expand my horizons.
-I have a deep rooted resentment who abuse my love and trust.
-Ambition is in my soul; I want to climb to the top.
-I have a tendency to be very excitable. 
-My self-hatred haunts me, because I feel I am not good enough.
-There is a small zeal for wanting to better myself and become that person I imagine myself to be.
-Memories are either haunting me or putting a small smile on my face.
-Overall, my mind is rational; emotions rarely take over. 
-The glass is half-empty, says my negativity.
-I was bred to have self-control and never lose my cool; except for cookies.
-It may be faked and forced or utterly genuine, but I am kind. 
-I have always had an imagination that swims in my mind; I should become a writer. 


  1. I love you, and I'm glad that I pretty much knew all of these things even before reading it :)
    I love every part of you!

  2. It's usually ice cream that undermines my self control ;)
