Sunday, April 27, 2014

Shattering the Glass Window

Shattering the glass window: List 8 personality flaws you have. Then write a couple sentences describing them.

  • Worry-wart
    • If you're looking for someone who should have their picture next to this word in the dictionary, then it is I who you're looking for. I try not to, but I worry and worry.
  • Frugal
    • Yes, I'm one of those. I try not to spend money needlessly when I can find the same object for way cheaper. I prefer a little diners over 5 star restaurants; cheaper and more food. 
  • Homebody
    • Don't get me wrong, I like to go out and about and go party. However, I love staying home with a book in one hand and tea in the other. 
  • Rambling/Ranting
    • Trust me, when I get going on something I won't stop! I try not to get mad when people ignore me after a while. My parents have often express their true feelings on this flaw.
  • Crying while mad
    • It's one thing to cry when you're upset or sad, but it is not effective crying while trying to express anger. It's super frustrating.
  • Being lame
    • I've often been accused of being lame or even at times ridiculous. This window didn't shatter until a few years ago when I graduated High School. Someone pointed out this fact to me. I suppose that I'll be that lame mom who embarrasses her child.
  • Self-conscious
    • Sometimes people mistake this for seeming prude, but I'm not to that point where I'm comfortable with myself physically and sometimes even emotionally or mentally. Honestly, though, I was taught to act like a lady, so I guess sometimes I do have an unnecessary "prude" side to me.
  • Stuttering/Lisping when nervous
    • I naturally have a small lisp, but it becomes quite noticeable when I'm put in an awkward situation or I'm nervous/anxious. Also, stuttering may occur in super "fun" situations.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

10 New Writing Prompts

Describing Time....Part 1

-Shattering the Glass Window: List 8 personality flaws you have. Then write a couple sentences describing them. Try to keep to personality traits/things you do.

-Describe your favorite character from a book, movie, or TV show. Be sure not to use the character's name or the name of where he/she comes from.

-Firsts are first: Describe a "first" moment (ie first kiss, first lie, first time driving, etc). Be sure to use all 5 senses; sight, smell, hearing, feel/touch, and taste.

-Look But Don't Touch: Look to your right with your eyes closed. When you open your eyes, what is the first thing you see? Write six sentences describing it without mentioning what it is until the last sentence.

-Pick one of the following elements: Fire, water, wind, Earth, or metal. Describe the element and why you like it or dislike it. How does this element make you feel? How does it affect you?

Short Story Time....Part 2
*For this section write a paragraph or two following the prompt. It can be longer if you feel ambitious.

-Use the words at least once in the short story: Chef, blue, hate, love, ribbon, and Lisa.

-Use the words/phrase at least once in the short story: Lamp, heart, "I'm just a dazzling rapscallion.", coat, lace, and gun.

-Write a flash of you in one of your dreams/ fantasies (ie fantasy job, fantasy men, dream house, or etc)

-Write a prompt with the given prompt: Your made up character starts receiving flowers and anonymous gifts. She/he doesn't know who is sending them. Her/his lover is suspicious.....

-Write a prompt with the given prompt: Your made up character is caught shoplifting. The shop owner says he/she won't call the police in exchange for a personal favor....